The Art of Storytelling for Popular Medical Articles

A course by dr. Astrid Wulan K

The Art of Storytelling for Popular Medical Articles

A course by dr. Astrid Wulan K
8/10 (8 Ratings)

Ikuti kursus menulis artikel kesehatan populer dan kuasai seni bercerita untuk dokter umum, spesialis, dan mahasiswa kedokteran | Docquity Academy

Gambaran Umum Mengenai Kursus Menulis Artikel Kesehatan

Kursus menulis artikel kesehatan membantu tenaga kesehatan mengembangkan keterampilan komunikasi ilmiah lewat artikel populer agar informasi akurat dan bermanfaat disampaikan kepada masyarakat. Keterampilan ini dapat memperluas jaringan dan reputasi Anda sebagai tenaga kesehatan. Kursus ini juga mengajarkan Anda pemanfaatan artikel sebagai media marketing dan penghasilan tambahan. Jangan lewatkan!

Target peserta

Siapa saja yang cocok mengikuti kursus The Art of Storytelling for Popular Medical Articles ini?
Mahasiswa FK dan FKG

Kursus menulis artikel kesehatan ini berguna untuk mahasiswa kedokteran agar dapat mengembangkan keterampilan menulis yang baik dan efektif, melatih daya pikir kritis dan kemampuan menerjemahkan konsep-konsep ilmiah menjadi bahasa yang mudah dipahami awam.

Dokter Umum dan Dokter Spesialis

Kursus menulis artikel kesehatan ini berguna untuk dokter umum dan dokter spesialis agar dapat mengkomunikasikan informasi kesehatan secara efektif kepada pasien, rekan kerja, dan masyarakat umum lewat tulisan.

Apa yang akan Anda pelajari?

Modul-modul yang akan Diberikan Selama Kursus Penulisan Artikel Kesehatan ini Berlangsung

Writing Popular Medical Article 101

Dalam modul ini, Anda akan belajar dasar-dasar menulis artikel medis yang populer dan mudah dimengerti oleh masyarakat awam. Instruktur akan membahas tentang cara menyederhanakan terminologi medis yang rumit, dan teknik-teknik penulisan yang efektif untuk menarik perhatian pembaca.

Research: Topics, Keywords and References

Modul ini akan membahas cara memilih topik yang menarik dan relevan, serta cara mencari dan menggunakan kata kunci yang tepat. Juga bagaimana cara mencari dan merujuk sumber-sumber yang kredibel sebagai referensi.

Write Right: Ethic and Legal Matters

Dalam modul ini, Anda akan belajar tentang prinsip-prinsip etika penulisan bagi dokter, potensi masalah hukum yang mungkin muncul dan cara menghindarinya.

Profil Instruktur

Kenali Instruktur yang akan mengajar pada kursus The Art of Storytelling for Popular Medical Articles

dr. Astrid Wulan K

Dokter umum, penulis dan content creator

Co-founder & Executive Director Medikolektiv
- Tentang Anak - Lead Content Developer - Video (2021-2022)
- Ruang Mendengar - Business Development Manager (2021-2022)
- Klikdokter - Medical Editor & Video Coordinator (2016-2021)

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is storytelling important in medical articles?
Storytelling is crucial in medical articles because it enhances engagement and comprehension for healthcare professionals (HCPs). Through compelling narratives, complex medical information becomes more accessible and memorable, allowing HCPs to better understand and retain critical concepts, leading to improved patient care and better communication among medical professionals.
Can you provide examples of successful medical articles that utilized storytelling effectively?
Certainly. Throughout the course, we will showcase numerous medical articles where storytelling has been effectively employed. These examples will cover a wide range of topics and medical specialties, demonstrating how engaging narratives can improve knowledge retention and impact the healthcare community positively.
What techniques will this course cover to develop effective storytelling skills for medical articles?
The course will cover a range of storytelling techniques, including character development, narrative structure, setting the tone, and employing vivid imagery. Additionally, you will learn how to use storytelling to simplify complex medical concepts, create memorable analogies, and evoke emotions, all while maintaining scientific integrity.
Will I get SKP from this course?
No, the course is certified by Docquity but not accredited by IDI, so no SKP will be provided after attending the course.
Can storytelling be applied to all types of medical articles, such as research papers and clinical guidelines?
Yes, storytelling can be incorporated into various types of medical articles. While it might not be suitable for certain formal research papers, it can be effectively used in review articles, opinion pieces, clinical case reports, and articles focused on patient education and engagement. We will guide you on how to identify the appropriate context for storytelling within different article formats.
Is this course suitable for both experienced medical writers and those new to medical writing?
Absolutely! Whether you are an experienced medical writer looking to enhance your storytelling skills or a novice seeking to learn how to craft engaging medical articles, this course is designed to cater to all skill levels. It will provide valuable insights and practical techniques that can be applied to your medical writing regardless of your current expertise.

The Art of Storytelling for Popular Medical Articles

A course by dr. Astrid Wulan K
8/10 (8 Ratings)

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8/10 (8 Ratings)

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